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Каталог библиотеки

Название Автор Издатель Годсортировать по убыванию
New York Harbor Terminals Map The Port of New York Authority 1956
American Skyline: The Growth and Form of our Cities and Towns Christopher Tunnard , Henry Hope Reed The New American Library 1956
Suburbia. Its People and Their Politics Wood Robert C. Boston: Houghton Mefflin Company 1958
Metropolis Against Itself Robert C. Wood CED 1959
Географическое размещение хозяйства Лёш Август М. Изд-во Иностранной литературы 1959
The Newcomers. Negroes and Puerto Ricans in a Changing Metropolis Handlin Oscar Harvard Universuty Press 1959
Anatomy of a Metropolis. The Changing Distribution of People and Jobs Within the New York Metropolitan Region Hoover Edgar M., Vernon Raymand Harvard Universuty Press 1959
Использование территории в американских городах. Пер. с англ. Харланд Бартоломью М.: Госстройиздат 1959
Made in New York. Case Studies in Metropolitan Manufacturing Hall Max (editor) Harvard Universuty Press 1959
Money Metropolis. A Locational Study of Financial Activities in the New York Region Robbins Sidney M., Terleckyj Nestor E. Harvard Universuty Press 1960

