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Каталог библиотеки

Название Автор Издательсортировать по убыванию Год
Housing Fund of Finland. Financing Social Housing 2004
Russian MBS: Selected Structural Topics Cadwalader 2006
A net impact analysis of active labour programmes in Hungary// Economics of Transition. - 1997. - vol. 5 (2). - pp. 453-484 O`Leary Ch.J. 1997
Оценка кредитоспособности предприятий Российской системы водоснабжения и канализации: Общий обзор. РФ 1998
Annual Report 2004-2005 ICNL 2005
The ELS Transition Conference. Moscow. October 21, 1996. Materials CHEMONICS 1996
Education and Its Influence on Social Cohesion in the Europe and Central Asia Region Stephen P. Heyneman 2000
Housing Indicators and the Situation in the Housing Sector Belkina T. 1993
Capital Improvement Financing, 1991. Examines infrastructure finfncing methods used by local governments and methods of shifting capital costs. ICMA 1992
Tax Increment Financing and Available Strategies. ICMA 1990

