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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Land (Real Estate) Mass Valuation Systems for Taxation Purposes in Europe 2001
Land Administration Guidlines Economic Commission for Europe United Nations 1996
Land Administration Review Russian Federation Economic Commission for Europe Economic Commission for Europe 2003
Land and Building Taxes /thier effect on Economic Development/ Arthur P. Becker TRED-4 1997
Land Code Federal Assembley RF 1997
Land Development Calculations. Interaktive Tools and Techniques for Site Planning, Analysis, and Design Hosack Waiter M. McGraw-Hill 2001
Land for Housing: Urban Land Privatization Demonstration Project. Final Report S.Butler, O.Kaganova, A.Khakhalin, Yu.Lipestkikh, D.Stoloff, T.Sukhorukova, A.Visokovsky The UI 1996
Land Reform in Ukraine - The first five years Csaba Csaki, Zvi Lerman World Bank 1997
Land Use and Development Regulations of the City of Kazan - Land Use Regulatory System (Zoning) USAID USAID 1997
Land Use and Development Regulations of the City of Samara - Land Use Regulatory System (Zoning) USAID USAID 1997

