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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Making the Right Choices. Annual Report and Accounts 2004 BP BP 2004
Making the Right Choices. Sustainability Report 2004 BP BP 2004
Making the Union Work for All Citizens. EFC 16-th Annual General Assembly and Conference. Pre-Programme. June 4-6 2005, Budapest, Hungary European Foundation Centre Budapest 2005
Making them meet: Policy, Design, Management, Satisfaction ed. by Judith Allen, Ivor Ambrose, Satya Brink Danish Building Research Institute 1995
Making Transition Work for Everyone. Poverty and Inequality in Europe and Central Asia The World Bank 2000
Making transportation work for everyone: Poverty and inequality in Europe and Central Asia ed. by Lucy Koons, Barbara de Boinville Europe and Central Asia Region
Management Strategies and Financing Techniques for the Public-Private Infrastructure Market, December 4-15, 2000, Washington, DC The Institute for Public-Privatr Partnerships Washington, D.C. 2000
Managing Government Property Assets Olga Kaganova The Urban Institute Press 2006
Managing Mandatory Savings Plans. Implications of Foreign Experience Adam Carasso, Lawrence Thompson, Phuong Tran, Eric Zaretsky The Urban Institute 1998
Managing Multiethnic Local Communities in the Countries of the Former Yugoslavia Nenad Dimitrijevic (editor) Budapest: Open Society Institute 2000

