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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Managing the Development Process: Community Strategies in Economic Revitalization Ross Gittell Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 1990
Managing Think Tanks. Practical Guidance for Maturing Organizations Struyk Raymond J. The Urban Institute 2002
Managing Urban Development in the Context of Public Administration Reform: the Case of Eastern Europe// International Journal of Public Administration. - 2001. - Feb. - Vol. 24. - p. 143 Grochowski Miroslaw International Journal of Public Administration 2001
Manegement guide to the organisation of th eTacis Programme Tacis Tacis; European Commission 1995
Manual Expanding Water Metering. Prepared for Government of Russia PADCO PADCO 1996
Many Roads to Justice: the law-related work of Ford Foundation grantees around the wirld McClymont M., Golub S. The Ford Foundation 2000
Market Value Based Real Property Tax Reform in the Russian Federation. Manual for Novgorod Oblast Jurisdictions. A Model Document. UI UI 1998
Mars, Incorporated 1994
Materials for the Organizing Housing Allowance Provision. Vol.1. Procedures Manual With Correctives and Additions Gosstroy of Russia M. 1994
MAYAK " The Owner" Audio tape CHEMONICS 1996

