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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Microsoft Word. User's Guide. Version 6.0 Microsoft Corporation 1994
Microsoft Word. Руководство пользователя 1991
Military Housing Certificate Program. Bank Administrative Procedures and Guidelines Mawhihhey, Marisol R.Ravicz The UI 1994
Minority protection and the enlarged european union: The way forward ed. by Gabriel N. Toggenburg Open Society Institute 2004
Mixed-Use Development Handbook The Urban Land Institute Washington, D.C.: ULI-the Urban Land Institute 2003
Model City Charter. Seventh Edition National Civil League 1992
Model Country Charter. Revised Edition. Offers an update of the country council-country administrator form of government that meets the efficiency and responsivness issues facing countries. National Civil League National Civil League Press 1990
Modelling the Allocation of Lease Responsibilities Patric Rowland AREUEA 1996
Money Market Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina Economic Institute Sarajevo Sarajevo 2005
Money Metropolis. A Locational Study of Financial Activities in the New York Region Robbins Sidney M., Terleckyj Nestor E. Harvard Universuty Press 1960

