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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Municipal Performance Measurement Program. Handbook Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Ontario 2003
Municipal Real Property Asset Management: an Overview of World Experience, Trends and Financial Implications Olga Kaganova, Riu Nayyar-Stone Washington: The Urban Institute 2000
Municipal Revenue and Expenditure Issues in Canada Kitchen H.M. Toronto: Canadian Tax Foundation 2003
Municipal Service Delivery Satisfaction Survey: Summary Report. City of Makiyivka People`s Voice 2004
Municipal Water and Wastewatter Sector in Georgia. Background Analysis for the Financing Straregy Danish Environmental Protection Agency 2001
My Architecture Niemeyer O. Rio de Janeiro 2000
Natasha Mae: First Secondary Facility in the Former Soviet Bloc// Housing Finance International. - 1999. - # 3. - P. 29-36 Struyk R., Kosareva N. 1999
National Housing Goals Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office 1969
Natural Environment in Russia - a Brief Survey Ecos Journal 1995
Navigating Gender. A Framework and a Tool for Participatory Development Arja Vainio-Mattila Helsinki: Ministry for Foreign Affairs 2001

