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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Neighbourhoods and Urban Development Downs Antony Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution 1981
Networking Events. The Second World Urban Forum, September 13-17, 2004. United National Human Settlement Programme UN-HABITAT 2004
New directions and new partnerships. J. Wolfensohn Washington 1995
New Directions in Asian Housing Finance. Linking capital markets and housing finance Masakazu Watanabe IFC 2000
New Ideas for Neighbourhoods in Europe. Handbook Bergen 2004
New Regional Environment Centers The Regional Environmental Centrer 1995
New Russia Barometr IV. Survey Results (социологические исследования) Richard Rose Glasgow: University of Strathclyde 1995
New Russian Analytical Centers and Their Role in Political Decisionmaking Antonenko Oksana 1996
New Towns and the Suburban Dream. Ideology and Utopia in Planning and Development Allen Irving Lewis Washington D.C.: Kennikat Press 1977
New Woman with Old Feelings? Contrasting Kollontai`s and Colette`s Writings on Love Rotkirch A. 2003

