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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
NIRA`s World Directoy of Think Tanks 2005. Fifth Edition National Institute for Research Advancement Tokyo 2005
Nizhny Novgorod. Business Annual 2001 N. Novgorod 2002
No Logo. Люди против брендов Кляйн Н. М.: ООО "Добрая кига" 2003
Nonexperimental Replications of Social Experiments: A Systematic Review. Interim Report/ Discussion Paper Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. 2002
Nongovernmental Organisations in Bulgaria UBFA 1997
Nongovernmental organizations, local government and the development of social services Osborne S.P., Kaposvari The Local Government 1998
Nonprofit Organizations in a Market Economy. Understanding, New Roles, Issues, and Trends Hammack David C., Young Dennis R. (editor) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers 1993
Nonprofit Organizatoin as Contracted Local Sosial Service Providers in Eastern Europe and he Commonwealth o Independent States Struyk Raymond Washington DC: The Urban Institute 2001
Nonprofits and Government. Collaboration and Conflict Elizabeth T. Boris, C.Eugene Steuerle (edit.) Washington D.C.: The Urban Institute Press 1998
Northern Ireland House Condition Survey 1991. First Report of Survey Belfast 1993

