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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Payment for Housing and Utilities in the Russian Federation in May-August, 1995 A.Puzanov, L.Lee The UI 1995
People in Aid. Code of Good Practice: Promoting good practice in the managment and support of aid personnel People in Aid 2003
People Matter Civic Engagement in Public Governance United Nations 2009
Perfomance of the Defferred Adjustable Instrument for Russia and Fixed Rate Mortgage Under Alternative Inflation and Borrower Income Scenarios 1997
Performance Indicators: Getting Started National Academy of Public Administration 2003
Performance indicstors: A Management tool for active labour programmes in Hungry and Poland// International Labour Review. - 1995. - vol. 134. - # 6. - pp. 729-751 O`Leary Ch.J. International Labour Organizational 1995
Performance Measurement An Introduction for Hungarian Cities East European Regional Housing Sector 1999
Performance Measurement. Getting Results Harry P. Hatry UI 1999
Pet Peeves and What To Do About Them CAI Research Foundation 1982
Pfamdbrief Act. Article 1 of the Law concerning the Reorganization of Pfandbrrief Legislation of May 22, 2005 (Federal Law Gazette 2005) Association of German Pfandbrief Banks Berlin 2007

