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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Private Protection and Public Goods: The Role of Regulation. RECEP Working Paper No. 4 Frye T., Zhuravskaya E. RECEP 1998
Private Renting in Transition Kemp P. Chartered Institute of Housing 2006
Private Sector Participation in Municipal Water Services in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Conference Write-Up. Paris, 10-11 April 2002 The World Bank/OECD 2002
Private Sector Participation in Water Supply and Sanitation in latin America. Idelovitch Emanuel and Ringskog Klas The World Bank 1995
Privatization & Capital Market Development. Strategies to Promote Economic Growth McLindon Michael P. London 1996
Privatization - Midway Gyorgy H.Matolcsy Property Foundation 1995
Privatization and Russia. A grassroots approach to economic reform IFC IFC 2000
Privatization for Public Employees: Guidelines for Fair Treatment. 08.1995 (#9) William D. Eggers, John O`Leary Reason Foundation 1995
Privatization of Natural Monopoly Public Enterprises. The Regulation Issue Bradburd Ralph The World Bank 1992
Privatization of Public Hospitals Economic and Social Research Institute 1999

