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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Privatization of Real Estate in the New Lander of Unified Germany Achim Dubel East-West Center/Korean Research for Human Settlem 1997
Privatization, Restructuring, and Regulation of Network Utilities Newbery D.M. London: The MIT Press 2000
Problems of the Contemporary World. № 1(26). 1974. Population Problems. Issue Two "Social Science Today", USSR Academy of Science 1974
Procceding of the Workshop on Urban Renewal and Housing Modernization. Prague 14-17 June 2000 UN/ECE 2000
Procedure of Development, Coordination, Approval and Composition of Feasibility Studies for Construction of Enterprises, Buildings and Structures. СП 11-101-95 Minstroi Rossii 1995
Procedures for Implementing the Russian Military Housing Certificate Add-on Program Quadel Consulting Corporation 1994
Proceedings Workshop Transformation Processes in Eastern Europe. December 1 and 2, 1994 Ganzeboom H.B.G. The Hague, ESR 1992
Product Description for the Deferred Adjustable Instruments for Russia. Diskette 3.5" Marisol R.Ravicz, R.Struyk The UI 1993
Professional Managment Development Program Community associations institute
Professional photos of Suzdal. CDRom 2003

