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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Public Housing and the Legacy of Segregation Margery Austin Turner, Susan J. Popkin, Lynette Rawlings The Urban Institute Press 2009
Public Opinion Surveys as Input to Administrative Reform. Sigma Papers: No. 25 SIGMA 1998
Public Participation in Regional Planning: A Report of the Second Regional Plan William B. Shore Regional Plan Association 1967
Public Perception of Local Government Swianiewicz P. (editor) Budapest: Open Society Institute 2001
Public Perceptions of Housing Allowances: The First Two Years. Ellickson Phyllis L., Kanouse David E. Rand Corporation 1979
Public Private Finance and Development. Metodology, Deal Structuring. Developer Solicitation John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2000
Public School, Public Building. The Role of the School in Building the City// Cities, vol. 18, # 3, pp. 193-197, 2001 Chan F. 2001
Public Service Announcement on Housing Allowances./О товариществах домовладельцев и дотациях.Video. 00.40 Plumber, 03.20 Reporter, 05.50 Board Meeting, 08.30 Playground, 11.35 Babushkas. VHS, Betacam PADCO 1995
Public Servoces in Older Cities: A Report of the Second Regional Plan Regional Plan Association 1968
Public Transportation & Land Use Policy Boris S. Pushkarev, Jeffrey M. Zupan Indiana University 1977

