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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Report of research results on the baseline survey of ZHEU-14 household attitudes towards maintenance delivery and quality in Ekaterinburg (Focus Group Survey - May 1996) 1996
Report of The IFC Team on Martgage Securities. Advising the Duma of the Russian Federation with respect to Legislation to Enable Martgage Backed Securities IFC Team M. 2003
Report on Activities 1993 The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation MacArthur Foundation 1993
Report on Activities 1996 The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation MacArthur Foundation 1996
Report on Activities 2004 MacArthur Foundation MacArthur Foundation 2005
Report on the Results of Household Survey in Vladimir and Volkhov. Energy Efficiency-Water Efficiency-Retrofits. Guzanova A., Diachenko G. The World Bank 1995
Report Prospectus Hudson Institute 1994
Report to Congress Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Washington 1999
Reprodictive Health and Justice. International Women's Health Conference for Cairo'94. January 24-28, 1994 Rio de Janeiro. IWHC 1994
Reproductive Health Programs Supported by USAID: A Progress Report on Implementing the Cairo Program of Action. USAID USAID 1996

