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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Republic of Kazakstan Transition of the State. Report #15353-KZ The World Bank 1996
Request for Proposals (RPF). Privatization of the Maintenance of Municipally-Owned Housing. Olson Angus The UI 1994
Reservation of Land for Future Public Needs - Project "Land Use Regulatory System (zoning)" USAID USAID 1998
Resetting Price Controls for Privatized Utilities Richard Green, Martin Rodriguez Pardina Economic Developmebt Institute of The World Bank 1999
Resetting Price Controls for Privatized Utilities Richard Green The World Bank 1999
Reshaping Economic Geography. World development report 2009 The World Bank 2009
Reshaping Economic Geography. World development report 2009. Overview The World Bank 2009
Residential Mobility in Moscow During the Transition L.Lee, R.Struyk The UI 1995
Residential Mortgage Lending. Third Edition. Dennis Marshall W. 1992
Residential Mortgage Loan Manual Developed for Russia. Rosenberg Michael The UI 1993

