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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Russia in Figures, 2003: Concise Statistical Handbook Goskomstat of Russia M.: Goskomstat of Russia 2003
Russia in Figures: Concise statistical handbook 2000 Goskomstat of Russia M. 2000
Russia IS Moving to the Market: The Case of the Housing Sector R.Struyk, N.Kosareva The UI 1993
Russia Region Education Study. Report The World Bank 1999
Russia's Early Experience with Private Housing Maintenance and Management. R.Struyk The UI 1994
Russia's transformation of the Housing Sector: comparison with Eastern Europe. Diskette 3.5" Baross Pal, R.Struyk The UI 1993
Russia, Kazakhstan &CIS Euromoney 2007
Russia: Creating Private Enterprises and Efficient Markets Lieberman I., Nellis J., Karlova E., Mukherjee J., Rahuja S. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank 1995
Russia: Drammatic Shifts to Demand-Side Assistance. Ткаченко Home Pur 1999
Russia: Education in the transition ed. by Stephen P. Heyeman The World Bank, ECA Country Department III 1995

