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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Russia`s Demographic "Crisis" Julie DaVanzo Rand Conference Proceedings 1996
Saint-Petersburg 2005-2006 Leontief Centre SPb. 2006
Salomon Smith Barney Guide to Mortgage-Backed and Asset-Backed Securities Hayre L. (editor) New York: John Wiley & Sons, INC 2001
Samba для профессионалов. Руководство системного администратора. Э. Бруксбэнк, Дж. Хабербергер, Л. Дойл Питер 2001
Sample Survey of Communal Services Customers in Khmelnytsky. December 2001 PADCO, INC, USAID Kyiv 2001
Sample Survey of Communal Services Customers in Lutsk. December 2001 Padco, Inc, USAID Kyiv 2002
Saratov Oblast Law on Land. Draft 1999
Secondary Employment in Russia. Labor Supply Modeling Roshchin S., Razumova T. 2002
Secondary Mortgage Market Guide Kider M.H., Halpern D.J. New York: Juris Publishing INC 2004
Secondary Mortgage Markets: International Perspectives Michael J. Lea International Union for Housing Finance 1998

