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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Social Funds and Reaching the Poor Anthony G. Bigio The World Bank 1998
Social Housing in the Unece Region. Prague, 19-20 May 2003 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 2003
Social insurance based on personal savings accounts Folster S., Trofimov G. (Institute for the Economy in Transition) M. 1999
Social Policy and the Tax System Rochelle Stanfield The Urban Institute 2002
Social Security in Nine Eurupean Countries: A portrait of Reform The Urban Institute 2002
Social security: Out of Step with the Modern Family Rochelle Stanfield, Corinna Nicolaou The Urban Institute 2000
Social snapshot and poverty in Armenia Ереван 2003
Social Structure, Public Space and Civil Society in Karelia Melin H. (editor) Helsinki: Kikimora Publications 2005
Social Watch Report 2003. The Poor and the Market Uruguay 2003
Socio-economic status of women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Analysis of the results of star pilot research done in 2002 group of authors World Learning Star Network 2003

