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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Study on the Financial Integration of European Mortgage Markets Mercer Oliver Wyman European Mortgage Federation 2003
Style Guide The Urban Institute Washington D.C.: The Urban Institute 2003
Subnational Budgeting in Russia. Preempting a Potential Crisis Freinkman L., Treisman D., Titov S. Washington D.C. 1999
Subnational Structural Reform Indicators. Prepared gor IBRD Subnational Structural Reform Adjustment Loan Team Institute for Urban Economics М. 1998
Subprime Lending Symposium. September 17, 2002 Credit Research Center 2002
Subprime Mortgages: America's latest boom and bust Edward M. Gramlich The Urban Institute Press 2007
Suburbia. Its People and Their Politics Wood Robert C. Boston: Houghton Mefflin Company 1958
Suceava Arta grafica 1999
Summary of Final Report A new Housing strategy for the earthquake zone The Republic of Armenia The Urban Institute 1998
Summary of Laws Relating to Housing and Urban Development S.Butler, Sh.O'Leary The UI 1993

