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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Tenth Year Report and Retrospective UHAB UHAB 1986
Texas Geography Scott Elton M. Oklahoma: Harlow Publishing Corporation 1952
The 13-th NISPAcee Annual Conference "Democratic Governance for the XXI Century: Challenges and Responses in the CEE Countries", 19-21 May 2005, Moscow 2005
The 25th World Congress International Union for Housing Finance. Housing Finance: Best Practices from Around the World 2004
The 3rd Workshop on Housing Finance in Transition Economies. Session 1: Overview of Developments, Considering the Benefits of Housing Finance. Germany: "Association of German Mortgage Banks " Lassen T. Warsaw: OECD 2002
The 3rd Workshop on Housing Finance in Transition Economies. Session 2: Funding Measures. Part A: Overview. Germany: "Association of German Mortgage Banks " Lassen T. Warsaw: OECD 2002
The 3rd Workshop on Housing Finance in Transition Economies. Session 2: Funding Measures. Part A: Overview. Germany: "European Federation of Building Societies" Friedemann R. Warsaw: OECD 2002
The 3rd Workshop on Housing Finance in Transition Economies. Session 2: Funding Measures. Part B: Mortgage Bond Market and Securities Thompson Jhon Warsaw: OECD 2002
The 3rd Workshop on Housing Finance in Transition Economies. Session 2: Funding Measures. Part B: Mortgage Bond Market and Securities. "Fostering and Regulating Institutional Investors" Lumpkin S Warsaw: OECD 2002
The 3rd Workshop on Housing Finance in Transition Economies. Session 2: Funding Measures. Part B: Mortgage Bond Market and Securities. Slovenia: "The Role of Mortgage in Housing Finance in Slovenia" More Matej Warsaw: OECD 2002

