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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
The Customer Survey: A Tool for Perfomance-Oriented Management and Governance East Europen Regional Housing Sector 1999
The Death and Life if Great American Cities Jacobs Jane New York: Vintage Books 1961
The Dependent City. The Changing Political Economy of Urban America Kantor Paul Scott, Foresman and Company 1988
The desing of active labour market policies: Building in effective incentives// International Labour Review. - 2000. - vol. 139. - # 4. - pp. 457-480 Cockx B. International Labour Organization 2000
The Detection, Investigation, and Deterrence of Mortgage Loan Fraud Involving Third Parties: A White Paper. 2003
The Development Process on Leased - Land Use Regulatory System (Zoning) USAID USAID 1998
The Eastern European Workshop on Housing Finance and Housing Affordability, May 24-25, 2004 Budapest. Papers and Presentations. CDRom Budapest 2004
The Economic Benefits and Costs of Homeownership: A Critical Assessment of the Research. Working Paper №01-02 George McCarthy, Shannon Van Zandt, William Rohe Research Institute for Housing America 2001
The Economics of Cities and Suburbs William Thomas Bogart New Jersey 1998
The Economics of Health and Health Care. Third Edition Folland S., Goodman A.C., Stano M. N.J.: Upper Saddle River 2001

