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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
An Introduction to Regional Economics. Third Edition Hoover E.M., Giaratani F. 1999
An Introduction to the Principles of Asset and Property Management Baar Toni S. The UI 1992
An Outline of Planning Law. Tenth Edition Heap Desmond London: Sweet&Maxwell 1991
Analysis and Monitoring of Municipal Bond Market. Capital Markets Surveillance Unit 1995
Analysis of Contract Savings for Housing Systems in Poland The Urban Institute Washington D.C. 1998
Analysis of Financial Statements Peterson Pamela P., Fabozzi Frank J. 1999
Analysis of Short-Term Equilibria in a Housing Market with Application to Development of Housing Policy Khutoretsky A. M.: Economics Education and Research Consortium 2001
Analyzing Bank Staffing Levels. Belasco Kent S. Bankers Publishing Company 1992
Anatomy of a Metropolis. The Changing Distribution of People and Jobs Within the New York Metropolitan Region Hoover Edgar M., Vernon Raymand Harvard Universuty Press 1959
Annual Conference 2004. Financial Integration of Mortgage Markets across Europe European Mortgage Federation 2004

