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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
The German Marshall Fund of the United States/ Annual Report 1994. 1994
The Global Development Alliance USAID USAID 2003
The Guide to the Federal Budget, fiscal 1998 Stanley E. Collender Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 1997
The Handbook of Asset/ Liability Management: State-of the -Art Investment Strategies, Risk Controls and Regulatory Reguirement Fabozzi Frank J., Konishi Atsuo (editors) Chicago: IRWIN 1996
The Handbook of First Mortgage Underwriting. A Standart Method for the Commercial Real Estate Industry McGraw-Hill 2002
The Handbook of Mortgage Backed Securities ed. by Frank J. Fabozzi IRWIN Professional Publishing 1995
The Handbook of Mortgage Banking. A Guide to the Secondary Mortgage Market ed. by James M. Kinney, Richard T. Garrigan DOW JONES-IRWIN 1985
The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities Fabozzi F.J. (editor) Probus Publishing Company 1988
The Housing Allowance Office Handbook. Housing Assistance Supply Experiment. A Rand Note lao Katagiri, G. Thomas Kingsley (editor) The Rand Corporation 1980
The Housing Policy Revolution: Networks and Neighborhoods David J. Erickson The Urban Institute Press 2009

