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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
The Market Foundations of Philanthropy Richard B. McKenzie The Philanthropy Roundtable 1994
The Maze of Urban Housing MarketsTheory, Evidence and Policy Rothenberg J., Galster G., Butler R., Pitkin R. The University of Chicago Press 1991
The Metropolis: Its People, Politics, and Economic Life. Second Edition John C. Bollens, Henry J. Schmandt Happer & Row, Publishers 1995
The Metropolitan Enigma: Inquiries into the Nature and Dimensions of America's "Urban Crisis" ed. by James Q. Wilson The Anchor Books 1970
The Modern Metropolis. Int Origins, Growth, Characteristics, and Planning Blumenfeld Hans Montreal: Harvest House 1971
The MONEE Project Regional Monitoring Report №6. Women in Transition: A Summary UNICEF 1999
The Mortgage Law of the Republic of Armenia 1998
The Moscow Household Panel Survey: Description of the Sample. L.Lee, C.Romanic The UI 1995
The Moscow Longitudinal Household Survey: Description of the Sample L.Lee, C.Romanik The UI 1996
The mystery of capital: why capitalism trimphs in the West and fails everywhere else Hernado de Soto New York: Basic Books 2000

