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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
The Private Rental Sector in Western Europe: Developments since the Second World War and Prospects for the Future. Housing Studies, Vol.11, #1, 1996 van der Heijden Harry, Boelhouwer Peter 1996
The Privatization of Management and Maintenance of Municipally-Owned Housing. Moscow Pilot Program. Olson Angus T. The UI 1993
The Program for the Financing of the Construction of Residential Real Estate in Russia D. McCarthy The UI 1996
The Protection of the Mortgage Borrower in the European Union The European Mortgage Federation The European Mortgage Federation 2003
The Protection of the Mortgage Borrower in the European Union. + CDRom European Mortgage Federation European Mortgage Federation 2003
The Rand McNally Commercial Atlas & Marketing Guide 2002. 133rd Edition. Population, Economic and Geographic Data for more than 125000 U.S. places - complete with large-scale, detailed maps Rand McNally 2002
The Reduction and Control of Unaccounted-for Water Jeffcoate Philip, Saravanapavan Arumukhan The World Bank 1997
The Region's Growth: A Report of the Second Regional Plan ed. by William B. Shore Regional Plan Assosiation 1967
The Regulatory Framework of the Russian Labour Market: Current State and Reform Tendencies. RECEP Working Paper No. 5 Denisova I., Friebel G., Sadovnicova E. RECEP 1998
The Rise of the Creative Class and How It's Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life Florida Richard Basic Books 2002

