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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
The Rockefeller Foundation 1998 Annual Report The Rockefeller Foundation The Rockefeller Foundation 1999
The Role of Affordable Mortgages in Improving Living Standards and Stimulating Growth: A Survey of Selected MENA Countries 2002
The Role of Civil Society in Containing Corruption at the Municipal Level Gole J. S. Bratislava:The Local Government 1999
The Role of Financial Guarantees in Securitization. Kotecha Mahesh Housing Finance International 1996
The Role of Government in Housing Policy in Transition Countries. Current Practices and Principles Financial Services & Policy Consulting Berlin 2004
The Role of the Voluntary and Community Sector in Service Delivery. A Cross Cutting Review 2002
The Rough Road to Renaissance: Urban Revitalization in America, 1940-1985 Teaford Jon C. The Hopkins University Press 1990
The Russian Constitutional Court's Decisions on Residence Permits and Housing. Maggs Peter B. 1995
The Russian Dacha Phenomenon R.Struyk, K.Angelici The UI 1995
The Russian Housing Market in Transition. R.Struyk, N.Kosareva The UI 1993

