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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Urban Economics Mills Edwis S., Hamilton Bruce W. New York 1994
Urban Economics and Estate Markets DiPasquale Denise, Wheaton William C. New Jersey 1996
Urban Economics and Public Policy. Third Edition Heilbrun James New York: St. Martin`s Press 1987
Urban Environmental Services in Transitional Economies. A Case Study of Iasi, Romania DeShazo J.R. 1996
Urban financial managment: a training manual. James McMaster The World Bank 1991
Urban Housing Improvement Grants (HIG). A low-cost bulding preservation model the republic of Armenia The Urban Institute 2003
Urban Housing Markets in Russia. Translation of a Special Issue of the Russian Journal Voprosi Economiki, Issue 10, 1994 E.Makhova, R.Struyk (Edited by) The UI 1995
Urban Housing Reform in China. An Economic Analysis. World Bank Discussion Papers #123 Tolley George S. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank 1991
Urban land and property markets in France Acosta Rodrigo, Renard Vincent UCL Press 1993
Urban land and property markets in Germany Dieterich H., Dransfeld E., Winrich V. UCL Press 1993

