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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Welfare Reform: Lessons from Maine Maine Center for Economic Policy Augusta 2002
Western Europe in Transition. The Impact of the Opening Up of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union de Fontenay Patrik, Gomel Giorgio, Hochreiter Eduard International Monetary Fund 1995
Wharton International Housing Finance Program. Improving Housing Finance Systems in Emerging and Advanced Economies. June 2-13, 2003 Wharton University of Pennsylvania 2003
Wharton on Dynamic Competitive Strategy Day G., Riebstein D. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1997
What Are We Doing There? Experiences and Lessons Learned from Development Cooperation in Health Care and Social Welfare (1990-2005) Aaltonen U., Mannila S. (editors) Stakes 2005
What Can Be Learned from Introducing Settlement Typology into Urban Poverty Analysis: The Case of the Tomsk Region, Russia// Urban Studies. - 2006. - Vol. 43. - # 7. - pp. 1177-1189 Alexandrova A., Hamilton E., Kuznetsova P. 2006
What will it take to end homelessness? Martha R. Burt The Urban Institute 2001
Who are the Urban Poor? // CED Supplementary Paper Number 26. October 1968 Anthony Downs Committee for Economic Development 1968
Who is Who in the Housing in the European Community. Directory on Institutions of Policy-Making, Proffessional and Representative Organizations and Advisory Boards. 1994
Who pays, who delays and who strays //Secondary Mortgage Markets. - 1999. - december Larry Cordell, Jericho Trianna SMM 1999

