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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Basic Methods of Policy Analysis and Planning. Second Edition Carl V. Patton, David S. Sawicki Prentice Hall 1993
Basics of Sound Underwriting Fannie Mae Washington 1992
Beginnings of Real Estate Brokerage in Moscow// Housing Policy Debate. - 1993. - vol. 4, issue 4. - pp. 627-646. Khadduri Jill, Puzanov Alexander Washington, DC: Fannie Mae 1993
Being a More Effective Trainer: Guide for Training of Trainers Sessions Collins Paul The UI 1996
Best Value Performance Indicators for 2003/2004 London 2003
Better Urban Services. Finding the Right Incentives. The World Bank 1995
Between Owner-Occupation and Rented Sector. Housing in Ten European Countries Kroes H., Ymkers F., Mulder A. The Netherlands 1988
Between State and Market: Housing in the Post-Industrial Era Bengt Turner Almqvist&Wiksell International 1987
Beyand Enlargement the EU`s "New Neighbours". Europe After the Enlargament, Warsaw, April 8-9, 2005 Bratislava Regional Centre 2005
Beyond Promises. Governments in Motion. One Year After the Beijing Women's Conference WEDO 1996

