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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Bridge to English. Думай и говори по английски. Англо-русский говорящий словарь. Англо-английский говорящий толковый словарь. CDRom 2002
Brookings Research Report 65. Using Negative Taxes to Narrow the Poverty Gap Christopher Green The Brookings Institution 1967
Bucoresti 1999
Budget of St. Petersburg for 2006 Summary SPb. 2006
Budget of St. Petersburg for 2007 Summary SPb. 2007
Budgetary Pluralism of Russian Authorities Kurlyandskaya G. Budapest: Open Society Institute 2001
Budgetary Politics. Second Edition Lance T. LeLoup King's Court Communications, Inc. 2009
Building a Private Housing Market. Off to a Fast Start. Connections. Russia News. M.: Embassy of the United States of America, 1996
Building an Affordable House: Trade Secret to High-value, Low-cost Construction Ruiz F.P. Newtown: The Taunton Press 2005
Building Association Training Capacity. Workbook. "Writing the Training Plan". Diskette 3,5" Decker F. Allen, Eastern European Real Property Foundation 1995

