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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Children at Risk in Central and Eastern Europe: Perils and Promises (a Summary) UNICEF 1997
China city planning review.-1997.-vol.13.- N 2. The Urdan Planning Society 1997
China. Urban Land Management in an Emerging Market Economy The World Bank 1993
China: Implementation Options for Urban Housing Reform. A World Bank Country Study. The World Bank, Washington, DC 1992
Circumpolar Housing Forum 2000. September 18-23, 2000. Diskette 3.5" 2000
Cities New York: Alfred A. Knopf 1968
Cities after socialism: urban and regional change and conflict in post-socialist socialist societies Andrusz Gregory, Harloe Michael, Szelenyi Ivan (editors) Blackwell Publishers 1996
Cities in a Globalizing World. Global Report on Human Settlements 2001 United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (HABITAT) London 2001
Cities in a Globalizing World: Governance, Performance & Sustainability Leautier Frannie A. Washington D.C.: The World Bank 2006
Cities of Europe: The Public's Role in Shaping The Urban Environment Deelstra Tjeerd, Yanitsky Oleg M.: Mezhdunarodnyje Otnoshenija 1991

