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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Corporate Finance Theory Megginson W.L. Addison-Wesley 2003
Corporate Philanthropy in Asia: the Philippines Case Ma. Gisela T. Velasco Center for the Study of Philantropy 1996
Corporate Philanthropy in the Philippines: The American Chamber Foundation Experience Pizarro M Center for the Study of Philantropy 1998
Corporate Ratings Criteria Standart & Poor's 1998
Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Competitiveness in Russia World Bank Institute 2002
Corporate Social Investing: the Breakthrough Strategy for Giving and Getting Corporate Contributions Weeden C. San Francisco 1998
Corporate Social Responsibility. Partners for Progress OECD Paris: OECD 2001
Corrupt cities: a practical guide to cure and prevention Klitgaard Robert E. Washington, DC: Worl Bank Institute 2000
Cost Factors in Local Government Solid Waste Management. ICMA 1994
Cost-Benefit. Analysis of Investment Decisions. Manual Jenkins G.P., Harberger A.C. Canada: Queen`s University 2001

