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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Cracow, Poland. An Evaluation of Land Use and Economic Development Opportunities 1994
Creating a New Teaching Profession Dan Goldhaber, Jane Hannaway The Urban Institute Press 2009
Creating A Social Safety Net for the Poor in Ukraine Vaughan PADCO/USAID 1999
Creating Capital Markets in Central and Eastern Europe. Pohl Gerhard, Jedrzejczak Gregory T., Anderson Robert E. The World Bank 1995
Creating Civil Society. Through the Development of Self-Government in Territorial Communities. International Conference Materials, December 7-8, 2001 (на украинском яз.) Western Ukrainian Regional Training Center Lviv 2002
Creating Instruments for Good Governance. 2005 Report Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiaive Budapest 2005
Credit Finance Analysis Handbook for Municipalities in the Czech Republic Mark Abrahams, Francis Conway, Peter Tatian and others The Urban Institute 1996
Credit Reporting Systems and the International Economy Miller Margaret J. (editor) The MIT Presss 2003
Credit Risk of Mortgage Loans. Modeling and Management Jajuga K., Krysiak Z. (editor) Warsaw 2005
Credit Risk-Rating System - Tool for Managing Credit Risk Robert Morris Associates 1994

