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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Danish Mortgage Bonds REALKREDITRADET 1998
Danish Mortgage Bonds REALKREDITRADET 2002
Danish Mortgage Bonds Nykredit Copenhagen 2003
Danish Mortgage Bonds Realkreditradet
Data to Promote Equality. Proceedings of the European Conference Mannils S. Helsinki 2005
Dealing with a stagnant pool: policies for coping with long-term unemployment in Central and Eastern Europe Boeri T., Scarpetta S. 2002
Death of Neighborhood: Photo
Decentralization of Governance and Development// Journal of Economic Perspectives. - 2002. - Volume 16. - # 4. - pp. 185-205 Bardhan Pranab 2002
Decentralization: A Survey from a Child Welfare Perspective Jemi Klugman UNICEF 1997
Decoding the U.S. Corporate Tax Daniel N. Shaviro The Urban Institute Press 2009

