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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Economic Aspects of Population Change The Commission on Population Growth and the American Future Washington D.C. 1972
Economic Development Institute Publications 1996 The World Bank 1996
Economic Forecasting for Large Russian Cities Struyk R., Wissoker D., Zaitseva Y. M. 2003
Economic Restructuring of the Former Soviet Bloc. The Case of Housing. R.Struyk (editor). The UI Press 1996
Economic Security and Intergeneration Justice. A Look at North America. Marmor Theodore R., Smmeeding Timothy M., Greene Vernon L. The UI Press 1994
Economics and Urban Problems. Diagnoses abd Prescriptions Netzer Dick New York: Basic Books, Inc. 1970
Economics of Regulation and Antitrust Viscusi W.K., Vernon J.M., Harrington J.E. London: The MIT Press 2000
Economics of the Public Sector + CDRom (pdf) Connolly S., Munro A. FT Prentice Hall 1999
Economics of the Public Sector. Second Edition Stiglitz Joseph E. W.W. Norton & Company 1988
Economics of the Public Sector. Third Edition Stiglitz J. New York 2000

