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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Economics. Real Estate & the Supply of Land Evans A.W. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 2004
Education and Its Influence on Social Cohesion in the Europe and Central Asia Region Stephen P. Heyneman 2000
Education in the Europe and Central Asia Region: Policies of Adjustment and Excellence/Образование в регионе Европы и Средней Азии. Политика реформ и совершенствования [на англ. и русск. яз.] Stephen P. Heyneman 1994
EFC 17-th Annual General Assembly and Conference. Supporting European Citizens` Participation. Pre-Programme, May 26-28 2006, Brussels, Belgium European Foundation Centre Brussels 2006
EFC 19th Annual General Assembly (AGA) and Conference. May 29th-31st 2008, Istanbul, Turkey European Foundation Centre 2008
Efects of Active Labor Market Programs on the Trransition Rate from Unemployment into Regulae Jobs in the Slovak Republic// Journal of Comparative Economics. - 1999. - vol. 27. - pp. 90-112 Lubyova M., Ours van J.C. 1999
Effect. Foundations in Europe together. Vol.2 issue 2. Summer 2008 European Foundation Centre 2008
Effectiveness, Openness, Subsidiarity a New Poland for New Challenger. Third Amended and Supplemented Edition Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland Warsaw 1998
Eighth European Real Estate Society Conference. Alicante, June 26-29, 2001. Book of Abstracts Universitat d`Alacant 2001
Emerging Long-Term Housing Finance in Russia N.Kosareva, R.Struyk The UI 1995

