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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
European Securitisation. A Resource Guide The European Securitisation Forum The European Securitisation Forum 1999
European Survey 2000. Tax & Subsidy Related Problems When Taking Out. A Martgage Loan Accross An EU Border. Commercial Mortgage Lending The European Mortgage Federation The European Mortgage Federation 2000
European Survey 2000. Tax & Subsidy Related Problems When Taking Out. A Martgage Loan Accross An EU Border. Residential Mortgage Lending The European Mortgage Federation The European Mortgage Federation 2000
European Survey 2001. Out-of-court Settlements in the European Union. Helping Mortgage Borrowers Resolve Cross-borders Disputes The European Mortgage Federation The European Mortgage Federation 2001
European Survey 2002. Efficiency of Mortgage Collateral in the European Union. Comparative Study The European Mortgage Federation The European Mortgage Federation 2002
European Survey 2002. Mortgage Markets. A survey on Recent Developments on European Markets The European Mortgage Federation The European Mortgage Federation 2002
European Urban Development, Research and Policy. The Future of European Cohesion Policy. Budapest, Hungary 28-30 August 2003. CDRom Budapest 2003
EVA 2006 Moscow. Echibition Catalogue. List of Participants. Programme M. 2006
Evaluating Social Policies: Principles and U.S. Experience// The World Bank Research Observer, vol. 9, # 3 (July 1994), pp. 159-180 Grossman J.B. The World Bank 1994
Evaluating the Impact of Active Labor Programs: Results of Cross Country Studies in Europe and Central Asia Fretwell D., Benus J., O`Leary Ch.J. The World Bank 1999

