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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Foundations` Legal and Fiscal Environments Eurorean Founation Centre 2007
Four Papers on the Residential Land Market in St. Petersburg Berezin M.P., Kaganova O.Z., Linov V. Edited by Lissfelt Jennifer, Daniell Jennifer The UI 1992
Fragmented Space in the Russian Federation Washington D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press 2001
Freight and the Matropolis. The Impact of America`s Transport Revolutions on the New York Region Chinitz Benjamin Harvard Universuty Press 1960
From Boosterism to Qualitative Growth (Classifying Economic Development Strategies Rowan Miranda, Donald Rosdil Urban Affairs Review N.6 1995
From Government to Grassroots Reform: the Fird Foundation's Population Programs in South Asia, 1959-1981 Katheleen D. McCarthy Center for the Study of Philantropy 1999
From Plan to Market. Patterns of Transition. de Melo Martha, Denizer Cevdet, Gelb Alan The World Bank 1996
From Plan to Market. World Development Report 1996 The World Bank Oxford University Press 1996
Function and Organization of a Legal Department for Mortgage Lending in Russia. Smuckler Gary S., Pepper, Hamilton&Scheetz The UI, Mosbusiness Bank 1994
Fundamentals of Community Association Management Community Association Institute 1990

