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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Housing finance program. Technical assistance to russian commercial banks and other participants of the housing market to develop long-term residental mortage lending Институт экономики города 1999
Housing Finance System Slovak Republic. Workshop on Housing Finance in Transition Economies, 14-15 December, 2004, Paris Paris 2004
Housing Finance. New and Old Models in Central Europe, Russia, and Kazakhstan Hegedus J., Struyk R. Budapest: Open Society Institute 2005
Housing for the Urban Poor. European Network for Housing Research International Symposium, 17-20 September, Istanbul Istanbul Technical University 1991
Housing Fund of Finland. Financing Social Housing 2004
Housing in Europe Hedvig Vestergaard ENHR 1997
Housing in the Ballance:Seeking a Comprehensive Policy for City-owned Housing DeRienzo 1999
Housing Indicators and the Situation in the Housing Sector Belkina T. 1993
Housing Indicators for Moscow and Russia: 1989-1994 Pchelintsev O.S., Belkina T., Tcherbakova E. Moscow, Institute of Economic Forecasting 1995
Housing Indicators for Moscow and Russia: 1994 Pchelintsev O.S., Belkina T., Tcherbakova E. Moscow, Institute of Economic Forecasting 1995

