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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Housing Indicators for Moscow and The Russian Federation Pchelintsev 1993
Housing Indicators for Moscow and the Russian Federation: 1992 Pchelintsev Oleg S. Moscow, Institute of Economic Forecasting 1993
Housing Indicators for Moscow: 1989-1993 Pchelintsev Oleg S., Belkina Tatiana D., Tcherbakova Ekaterina The UI 1995
Housing Indicators for Seven Russian Cities: 1992. UI Jennifer Daniell UI 1992
Housing Indicators in Hungary. Final report. Jorsef Hegedids and Ivan Tosics USAID 1993
Housing Maintenance and Management in Russia During the Reforms. L.Lee, K.Petrova, M.Shapiro, R.Struyk The UI 1997
Housing Management and Maintenance Concepts/Condominium Concept for Cooperatives. Notes for Presenters. PADCO 1996
Housing Market in Russia: Problems of Formation and Development 1999
Housing Microfinance. A Guide to Practice Daphnis F., Ferguson B. (editors) Bloomfield: Kumarian Press, Inc. 2004
Housing Policy Debate. Volume 4. Issue 1. 1993. Fannie Mae Fannie Mae 1993

