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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Long-Term Care consumers, providers, and financing a chart book Jane Tilly, Susan Goldenson, Jessica Kasten The Urban Institute 2001
Long-Term Financing Planning. Creative Strategies for Local Government Chapman Jeffrey I (Edited by) ICMA 1987
Long-Term Housing Finance from Scratch: The Russian Case N.Kosareva, R.Struyk The UI 1996
Long-term housing finance from scratch: The Russian case. N.Kosareva, R.Struyk Delft Uninversity Press 1997
Lukoil. Corporate Report 2003 Lukoil M. 2004
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Дронов В. СПб.: БХВ-Петербург 2006
Made in New York. Case Studies in Metropolitan Manufacturing Hall Max (editor) Harvard Universuty Press 1959
Main Economic Indicators. Survey of Russian Economy. Monthly Report. - 1995. - № 10 (October) Institute of Economic Analysis M. 1995
Main Economic Indicators. Survey of Russian Economy. Monthly Report. - 1995. - № 11 (November) Institute of Economic Analysis M. 1995
Maine Choices 1997. A Preview of State Budges Issues Maine Center for Economic Policy 1996

