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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
The Myth of the North American City. Continentalism Challenged Goldberg Michael A., Mercer John Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press 1986
The Net Impact of Active Labour Programmes in Hungary and Poland// International Labour Review. - 1998. - vol. 137. - # 3. - pp. 321-346 O`leary Ch.J., Kolodziejczyk P., Lazar G. International Labour Organization 1998
The new Boston: Its People, Its Places, Its Potentials
The New Housing Program. Part 1: Principles of the State Housing Policy. Part 2: Systemic Solutions Warsaw, Housing Research Institute 1992
The New Jersey State Development and Redevelopment Plan 1992
The New World Fiscal Order. Implications for Industrialized Nations. Steuerle C.Eugene, Kawai Masahiro, editors The UI Press 1996
The Newcomers. Negroes and Puerto Ricans in a Changing Metropolis Handlin Oscar Harvard Universuty Press 1959
The NGLS Handbook of UN agencies, programmes and funds working for economic and social development NGLS NGLS 1997
The Nonprofit Review. The Journal of the Japan NPO Research Association. - 2002. - Vol. 2. - # 2 Japan NPO Research Association 2002
The North American City Yeates Maurice H., Garner Barry J. Harper & Row, Publishers 1971

