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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Cities of Tomorrow. Third Edition Pete Hall Blackwell Publishing 2002
Cities Without Slums. Annual Report 2004 Cities Alliance 2004
Cities, Agglomeration and Spatial Equilibrium Edward L. Glaeser Oxford University Press 2008
Citizen Participation Workshop 1999
City and Oblast Organizations: Preparation of Tenders for Competitively Bid Maintenance: a Summary of the Process. PADCO 1995
City and Suburb. The Economics of Metropolitan Growth Chinitz Benjamin (editor) N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1964
City Links: Global challenges, local solutions. Annual Report 2005 USAID, ICMA 2005
City of St.Petersburg 1994-1995 СПб.: Леонтьевский центр 1995
City Politics in Canada Magnusson Warren, Sancton Andrew (editors) Toronto: University of Toronto Press 1983
Civil Code of Quebec

