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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Internet для "Чайников". 3-е издание Джон Р. Левин, Кэрол Бароди, Марджи Левин-Янг Киев: Диалектика 1996
Internet для "Чайников". 4-е изд. Джон Р. Левин, Кэрол Бароди и Маргарет Левин-Янг "Диалектика" 1997
Introduction to Commercial Loan Documentation The UI 1997
Introduction to Meeting Management Dotson P.C. Professional Convention Management Assocoation 1995
Introduction to Program Evaluation. Participant Workbook World Bank Institute World Bank Institute 2004
Investment Financing in Russian Financial-Indastrial Groups. RECEP Working Paper No. 3 Perotti E., Gelfer S. RECEP 1998
Investment Project for Renovation of a Building Located at the Adress: 20, Voznesensky Prospect. 1995
Investment Project on Construction of a Single family Housing Settlement. Irkutsk, VINCENT firm 1995
Investment Risks in Russia`s Regions: Political and Legal Origins Consortium for Economic Policy Research and Advice M. 2002
Investor Accounting: Focus on Cash Fannie Mae Washington D.C. 1994

