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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
International Grantmaking. A Report on U.S. Foundation Trends The Foundation Center The Foundation Center 1997
International Greatest Hits 1996-2001. Reports, presentations and other materials from projects sponsored by USAID, World Bank and other donors. CDRom Urban Institute and Partners Urban Institute 2001
International Guidelines on Decentralisation and Access to Basic Services for all UN Habitat 2009
International Housing Finance Services. Series 1: U.S. Housing Finance System. October 19-22, 2004. + CDRom FannieMae 2004
International Housing Finance Services. Series 2: Securitization for Housing Finance. October 26-28, 2004. + CDRom FannieMae 2004
International Housing Finance Sourcebook 1995. Data Tables: Diskette 3.5" Lea Michael J., Bernstein Steven A. The International Union of Housing Finance Instit. 1995
International Housing Finance Sourcebook 2000 Lea Michael J. (editor) Chicago:The International Union of Housing Finance 2000
International Housing Markets. What We Know; What We Need to Know. Fannie Mae. Working Paper Hoffman M., Haupt B., Struyk R.J. Fannie Mae, Office of Housing Policy Research 1991
International Trends in Housing Tenure and Mortgage Finance Scanlon K., Whitehead Ch. London Scholl of Economics 2004
Internet resources for Eurasia Richard Upjohn /ed./ Center for Civil Society International 1999

