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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Mortgage Loans for Undeveloped Land in Russia: Notes for the Practicing Lawyer. S.Butler The UI 1997
Mortgage Prepayment in India Struyk R.J., Kenney G., Friedman M. The Urban Institute 1988
Mortgage Prepayment in India// Housing Finance International. - 1990. - May. - pp. 39-43 Struyk R., Kenny G. 1990
Mortgage Pricing in Russia: A Methodological Introduction. Michael J.Lea , Marisol R.Ravicz The UI 1993
Mortgage Securities in Emerging Markets Chiquier L., Hassler O., Lea M. The World Bank 2004
Mortgage Selling and Servicing Guide JSC "Agency for Housing Motrgage Lending" M. 1998
Mortgage Servicing Manual Developed for Russia Subramanian Rajagopalan The UI 1993
Mortgage. Ипотека. Special issue. October'95 1995
Moscow Household Survey in 1996. Moscovites speak about their houses. SPSS Database Variable Description. Guzanova A., Diachenko G. The UI 1996
Moscow Map M. 2000

