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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
New York City's Financial Crisis. An Evaluation of Its Economic Impact and of Proposed Policy Solutions Joint Economic Committee 1983
New York Harbor Terminals Map The Port of New York Authority 1956
New York State Medical Care Facilities Finance Agency Act and Related Statutes Morgado Robert J., Steves Robert J. 1995
New York, The Politics of Urban Regional Development Danielson Michael N., Doig Jameson W. Universisty of California Press 1982
Newsletter. No. 4, 1993 European Network for Housing Research ENHR 1993
NGO News. A Regional Newsletter for Non-Governmental. - 1996. - № 2, 5; 1997. - №6; 1998. - № 8, 9, 10. Budapest: The National Forum Foundation 1996
NIRA's World Directory of Think Tanks. 1993 National Institute for Research Advancement NIRA, Japan 1993
NIRA's World Directory of Think Tanks. Second Edition. National Institute for Research Advancement NIRA 1996
NIRA`s World Directoy of Think Tanks 1999. Third Edition National Institute for Research Advancement Tokyo 1999
NIRA`s World Directoy of Think Tanks 2002. Fourth Edition National Institute for Research Advancement Tokyo 2002

