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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Outcome Measurement in Nonprofir Organizations: Current Practices and Recommendations Morley E., Vinson E., Hatry H. Washington D.C. 2001
Outline of the Fundamentals of Housing Legislation of the RF The UI 1997
Ownership of Condominium Land S.Butler The UI 1994
PagerMaker 6 для Windows'95 в подлиннике Рик Уоллес 1997
Part I of the Russian Federation Civil Code: Summaries of Articles on Housing Sector Issues and Related English-Russian/ Russian-English Glossaries Melissa J.Platkin The UI 1995
Participation and Social Assessment: Tools and Techniques compiled by Jennifer Rietbergen-McCracken, Deepa Narayan The World Bank 1998
Participation in Russia's Housing Allowance Program R.Struyk, C.Romanik 1996
Participatory Budgeting: Conceptual Framework and Analysis of its Contribution to Urbran Governance and the Millennium Development Goals. Concept Paper UN-HABITAT 2004
Patterns of Urban and Rural Population Growth. Population Studies № 68 United Nationd 1980
Payment for Housing and Utilities in Russia: October, 1996 - March, 1997 The IUE 1997

