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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Staff Appraisal Report. Russian Federation. Enterprise Housing Divestiture Project. April 17, 1996 The World Bank 1996
Staff Appraisal Report. Russian Federation. Enterprise Housing Divestiture Project. November 22, 1995 The World Bank 1995
Stakeholder Engagement AccountAbility Forum London 2005
State and Local Affordable-Housing Programs. A Rich Tapestry Stegman M.A. Washington, D.C.: ULI-the Urban Land Institute 2002
State Nonprofit Almanac 1997, Profiles of Charitable Organizations David R. Stevenson, Thomas H. Pollak, Linda M. Lampkin The UI, Independent Sector 1997
State of European Cities Report 2007
Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1985. National Data Book and Guide to Sources. 105th Edition Bureau of the Census Washington D.C. 1985
Statistical Bulletin on Housing Subsidy Program of Ukraine Ministry of Social Protection of Ukraine 1997
Statistical Bulletin. Estimation of Household Income and Expenditure in the Cities of Lutsk and Khmelnytsky Kyiv 2002
Statistical Handbook 1995. States of the Former USSR/Статистический сборник, 1995 Государства бывшего Советского Союза. The World Bank 1995

