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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Statistical Profile of Novgorod Velikii Bobyr Sergei The IUE 1997
Statistics, Development and Human Rights. Montreux, Switzerland, 4-8 September 2000 IAOS/AISO Montreux 2000
Step-By-Step Procedures for Registering a Condominium 1995
Strategic Budgeting: A Guide to Financial Stability. Takes the reader step by step through the formulation of long-range goals, the connection between the budget and the goals. ICMA 1993
Strategies to Combat Homelessness United Nations Center for Human Settlements (Habitat) Nairobi: UNCHS 2000
Strategies to Develop Mortgage Markets in Liberalizing Economies. International Seminar on Housing. Seoul, Korea Renaud Bertrand The World Bank 1996
Strengthening Local Administrarion of Social Assistance in Russia Gallagher L.G., Struyk R.J. Washington D.C.: The Urban Institute 2001
Strengthening Local Administration of Social Assistance in Russia L. Jerome Gallagher, Raymond J. Stryk The Urban Institute 2001
Strengthening the Ukrainian Mortgage Structure The European Commission Kyiv 2005
Structural Factors in the EU Housing Markets European Central Bank Frankfurt am Main 2003

